Monday, April 26, 2010

Top 10 HTML Snippets

Top 10 HTML Snippets: "

The 10 most used snippets in HTML. Very useful reference for any Web Developer.

Some of these you are probably familiar with, but some of them you just can’t always remember off the top of your head. So I deicided to make a reference place.

  1. Comments in HTML
    <!-- this is a comment in html -->

  2. Embed Flash
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    width="0" height="0">
    <param name="movie" value="the_flash_file.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high"/>

  3. HTML Table Markup

  4. Form HTML Elements
    <form id="form_id" action="" method="post">
    <legend>The Form</legend>
    <label for="text_field">Text Field</label>
    <input type="text" id="text_field" name="text_field" />
    <label for="password_field">Password Field</label>
    <input type="password" id="password_field" name="password_field" />
    <label>Radio Buttons</label>
    <input type="radio" name="button" value="1" /> Button 1 <input type="radio" name="button" value="2" /> Button 2
    <label for="checkbox">Checkbox</label><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="checkbox" value="checkme" />
    <label for="select_choice">Dropdown:</label>
    <select name="select_choice" id="select_choice">
    <option value="Choice 1">Choice 1</option>
    <option value="Choice 2">Choice 2</option>
    <option value="Choice 3">Choice 3</option>
    <label for="textarea">Textarea:</label>
    <textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="textarea" id="textarea"></textarea>

  5. HTML5 Page Structure
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Your Website</title>
    <li>Your menu</li>
    <h2>Article title</h2>
    <p>Posted on <time datetime="2009-09-04T16:31:24+02:00">September 4th 2009</time> by <a href="#">Writer</a> - <a href="#comments">6 comments</a></p>
    <p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>
    <h2>Article title</h2>
    <p>Posted on <time datetime="2009-09-04T16:31:24+02:00">September 4th 2009</time> by <a href="#">Writer</a> - <a href="#comments">6 comments</a></p>
    <p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>
    <h2>About section</h2>
    <p>Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>
    <p>Copyright 2009 Your name</p>

  6. Embed Code for Quicktime
    <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
    width="200" height="16">
    <param name="src" value="" />
    <param name="autoplay" value="true" />
    <param name="pluginspage" value="" />
    <param name="controller" value="true" />
    <!--[if !IE]> <-->
    <object data="" width="200" height="16" type="video/quicktime">
    <param name="pluginurl" value="" />
    <param name="controller" value="true" />
    <!--> <![endif]-->

  7. Embed code for Windows Media
    <object type="video/x-ms-wmv"
    width="320" height="260">
    <param name="src"
    value="movie.wmv" />
    <param name="autostart" value="true" />
    <param name="controller" value="true" />

  8. Meta RedirectThis allows you to redirect the page using meta tag. Setting content to 0 for immediate redirect.
    <meta content="5;url=" http-equiv="refresh" />

  9. Force IE8 to render as IE7 (meta)This code will force IE8 to render your page as IE7.
    <meta content="IE=EmulateIE7" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" />

  10. Open link in new window
    <a href="" target="_blank">This link will open in new window/tab</a>


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What’s Your Twitter Influence?

What’s Your Twitter Influence?: "

How do you know if all your work to build a Twitter following is paying off?  When it comes to what you’re really trying to accomplish on Twitter, the bottom line is “influence.”  In other words, do people listen to what you have to say, and do they follow your recommendations?  If the answer is yes, then you have influence.  Why does that matter?  If you have influence, you’re driving traffic.  Sometimes that traffic is to 3rd-party content, and sometimes it’s to your site – and sometime it results in making you some cash.  So the truth is, influence = money.

But how do you know your level of influence?  Well, of course you can look at how many hits you’re getting from Twitter, and you can see retweets of your posts.  That will give you some idea of whether or not you’re influencing your followers.  It’s only part of the picture though, and it’s difficult to take that information and set meaningful goals.  After all, how do you set a goal without a benchmark?  If only there was a tool you could use that would measure your Twitter influence, compare it with that of others on Twitter, and give you numbers you could use to set targets.  The good news is there are a few such tools!  Which one is right for you?  That might be a hard question to answer.  As there are wide variations in how each one works and the results you’ll see, which tool you use will come down to personal preference.  To help in making the decision, here is a rundown of the top 4 Twitter influence measurement tools:

Klout Twitter tool logoBecause Klout is integrated into some other Twitter tools, such as CoTweet, it is considered by many to be the leader in this sector.  Klout will give you a score, from 1-100, based on 25 different measurement criteria.  The score represents both the size and strength of a person’s sphere of influence on Twitter. Higher scores represent a wider and stronger sphere of influence. The size of this sphere is calculated by measuring true reach (engaged followers and friends vs. spam bots, dead accounts, etc.). Strength of influence is calculated by tracking interactions across your social graph to determine the likelihood of someone listening to or acting upon any specific message.  A nice feature of Klout is that it places you into one of four categories (Connector, Persona, Casual, or Climber) and gives you a snapshot of other people who are likely to influence you or to be influenced by you.

Klout Twitter tool screen shot

Twitalyzer Twitter tool Twitalyzer’s site claims they are the Social Media industry’s most popular, most widely used analytics application, used by over 400,000 people.  The site offers a full range of analysis tools and benchmark reports for you to set goals and track your progress.  Because they realize this can all be a little overwhelming, they’ve put together a ton of free information, including videos and a useful, often-humorous 51-page e-book, about how to use the site and what it takes to optimize your Twitter efforts.  They make no bones about saying their service is not for the casual user but for the person who is looking to use Twitter to build a business.  Bottom line, if you’re super serious about Twitter and want a tool that will look at your efforts from every possible angle and give you a huge chunk of useful information, Twitalyzer is the tool for you.

Twitalyzer Twitter tool screen shot

Tweet Level Twitter tool logoThe folks at TweetLevel are very upfront about the fact that this whole “Twitter Influence” thing is not an exact science.  In fact, on their site, they say, “This tool is still in beta. Even though we believe that it goes a great way to understand and quantify the varying importance of different people’s usage of Twitter, by no means whatsoever do we believe we have fully solved the ‘influence’ problem. What we would appreciate is your views, your feedback, advice and criticism is crucial in helping us understand social media measurement.”  That said, they do a pretty good job of breaking down your Twitter status into some useful information.  Just enter your Twitter user name, and they’ll give you a plain English report of how you’re doing in four areas: Influence, popularity, engagement, and trust.  TweetLevel also provides some good tips on how to use Twitter more effectively.

Tweet Level Twitter tool screen shot

TwitterGrader Twitter tool logoAnother cool free product of Hubspot, TwitterGrader is the most simple of the tools on this list.  You won’t get tons of analytics or in depth reports from TwitterGrader.  Instead, this site will give you a grade, from 1-100, and a rank among all Twitter users.  The thing about this tool is that it’s cool to see where you rank, but the usefulness of that information is limited.  So, check it out, but maybe use one of the other three tools to move your Twitter campaign into overdrive.

TwitterGrader Twitter tool screen shot

Again, measuring your Twitter influence isn’t an exact science, but that doesn’t mean it can be ignored, if you’re concerned about optimizing your Twitter marketing efforts.  So, start using one or more of the above tools, and you should be well on your way to improving your influence and making the most of Twitter.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Free Ultra-light Calendar/Date Picker jQuery Plugin

Free Ultra-light Calendar/Date Picker jQuery Plugin: "

CalendarPicker is a free ultra-light calendar/date-picker jQuery plugin. It looks different from all the others, supports multiple languages, and allows fast movement across months and years. This approach might not suitable for every context, but I am sure someone will find it useful.

CalendarPicker enables mouse wheel to change dates; it is enabled on years, months and days bars. Calendar picker is released under MIT license.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License


Pixmac: Stock Photos, Royalty Free Pictures and Images


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Software Tools For Programming Board Games

Software Tools For Programming Board Games: "

FlexibleRules is a set of software tools and framework intended to simplify programming board games.

It is currently under development by Fulvio Frapolli at the Dept of Informatics, University of Fribourg. It’s got a GUI, API, and all the rest of the works, and rules can even be changed during game play.


Visual Studio 2010 Released

Visual Studio 2010 Released: "

It's a big day at Microsoft today as Visual Studio 2010 officially releases. There's a lot going on with this release and I thought I'd do a big rollup post with lots of details and context to help you find your way to the information and downloads you're looking for.

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4

Download Visual Studio 2010

First, if you want it, go download Visual Studio 2010 now. If you're an MSDN Subscriber or WebSiteSpark/BizSpark member, you can download the final release now. If not, you can download a free trial or one of the free Express editions.

I'm running the free Visual Web Developer 2010 Express on my netbook. You can install ASP.NET 4, ASP.NET MVC 2, and Visual Web Developer 2010 Express really quickly with the Web Platform Installer.

There's an excellent page on MSDN that's cherry-picked and categorized the best VS2010 content, but I've included my own list below.

What's new in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4?

Buttloads. Here's the things I'm digging most.

Also, there's a FREE e-Book called "Moving to Visual Studio 2010" that you might want to check out. It's an excerpt of a larger book that'll be coming from MSPress later this summer. It takes a interesting approach as it has three parts, moving from VS2003, moving from VS2005, and moving from VS2008. It's clever, actually. You start in the book on the version that you're currently on. If you're not familiar with versions like VS2008, you start at the beginning. Otherwise, you jump ahead. When you're done, you're ready to move to VS2010.

MSDN and Visual Studio 2010

When a new product launches, MSDN launches with updates and new features of its own. Here's a few things the folks at MSDN have been doing to support the launch.

  • Better MSDN Search - Most people likely use a search engine to search MSDN, but if you do search from within MSDN, there are a number of new improvements. You can refine by source, saying only search blogs, or only search the library. There's also an OpenSearch provider so you can search the MSDN Library directly from within Windows itself.
    XDocument - Search Results in MSDN
    MSDN Search also includes Metadata from the results to help you find right thing. For example, if a search turns up a CodePlex project, I can see type-specific details within search results:
    MSDN Search
  • MSDN Subscriber Downloads Improvements - There's been lots of UX improvements including as-you-type filtering as well as filtering by platform (x64, etc) and language. I will very likely not need to download Quechua Windows, so now I don't need to see it.
  • MSDN Library in Lightweight and ScriptFree - You can choose between three flavors of MSDN Library, Classic (the one with the treeview on the side), Lightweight (what I use) or ScriptFree. ScriptFree is great for mobile devices, and it's lightning fast anywhere. Lightweight is the new default and I like it because it features community annotations made to the library prominently on the left side as well as a tabbed interface for code sample languages. I blogged a preview of this work last year and included some charts and graphs showing the improvements in speed worldwide.
    XmlNode Class (System.Xml) - Windows Internet Explorer
  • Integration of all VS sites - There were too many developer "centers" on MSDN and folks were getting lost. Many centers have been conflated into a clearer, more logical layout. The Visual Studio, Team System, and VS Extensibility Centers were merged into the single Visual Studio Center. There's a lot more focus on discoverability in the Visual Studio Center.
  • Video Improvements - There's thousands of How Do I? videos on MSDN and they tell me they are improving the backend, the player and the metadata around them. The player is larger now, you can share videos from MSDN on your favorite social networking site, rate them, leave comments, and explore related videos.
  • Profile Activities - User Profiles are integrated between sites and you can see your activity and points as you move through the system. For example, here's Arnie Rowland's profile. You can see his activity in the forums and galleries as well as his ranking and points as a community contributor.

Other Cool Stuff Happening Today

I'd hate to have this little nugget get buried in the deluge of VS2010 goodness.

  • Microsoft Surface Logo The Surface Toolkit for Windows Touch BETA goes out today. Check out under Technical Resources and the Surface Blog for more details. This toolkit is a set of controls and sample code that let WPF developers create cool multi-touch enabled experiences with the cool "Surfacey" controls that the only folks with Big Ass Tables have been able to use. This is exceedingly cool because it not only makes it WPF devs can make better multi-touch apps for Windows Touch PCs but it acts as a jump-start for the next version of Microsoft Surface. It will integrate with Visual Studi0 2010 and give you new project and item templates and a dozen new controls like the ScatterView and SurfaceInkCanvas. This is a cool thing, so I'll be talking about it soon, as will Pete Brown.

Lots of great stuff going on today. Have fun!

© 2010 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

12 Free Or Cheap Web Apps Your Startup Needs Now

12 Free Or Cheap Web Apps Your Startup Needs Now: "


Running your startup, don't waste time on tasks that apps can help you do -- especially if those apps are free or cheap.

Thankfully, there's a post on the Flexvite blog that put together a list of 12 cheap or free web tools that help you with that.

12 Free Or Cheap Web Apps Your Startup Needs Now →

For Brainstorming, Use

For Brainstorming, Use
When you're brainstorming, it's often overlooked that you need to store and organize your ideas using things such as mind maps. lets you do that with others and share them.

Source: Flexvite blog

Check If The Domain Names You Want Are Available

Check If The Domain Names You Want Are Available searches recently expired domain names for those that start or end with the names you want. More useful than standard whois searches.

Source: Flexvite blog Checks Both Domain Names And Social Networks For Your Name Checks Both Domain Names And Social Networks For Your Name
Also helping you find a name that's unique and useful, checks both domain names and social networks to see if your ideas are already taken.

Source: Flexvite blog

To Make Mockups, Balsamiq Is Your App Of Choice

To Make Mockups, Balsamiq Is Your App Of Choice
Balsamiq is a very popular app for making mockups of various apps, and rightfully so. It's fun and easy to use, and saves a lot of time.

Source: Flexvite blog Is Great For Collaboration And Feedback Is Great For Collaboration And Feedback is a free collaboration, conferencing and sharing app, that lets you work together remotely, create screenshots together, and is also a great way to get feedback from your users.

Source: Flexvite blog

Pivotal Tracker Is A Great (And Free!) Project Management App

Pivotal Tracker Is A Great (And Free!) Project Management App
There are plenty of great web-based project management apps out there. Pivotal Tracker is based around prioritizing between tasks with a drag-and-drop interface. And oh, unlike a lot of project management apps, it's free.

Source: Flexvite blog

For Cheap, Quick And Dirty User Feedback, Use

For Cheap, Quick And Dirty User Feedback, Use pays users to interact with your app, and records how they interact with it as well as their feedback and user summaries. It's very useful and pretty cheap.

Source: Flexvite blog

Litmus Lets You Test Your App Accross A Range Of Browsers

Litmus Lets You Test Your App Accross A Range Of Browsers
Litmus is an app that lets you test the way your app looks in a bunch of browsers, and also lets you test what your emails look like. Unlike a lot of apps that have this functionality, it's 100% browser based.

Source: Flexvite blog

For Email Marketing, Flexvite Recommends MadMini

For Email Marketing, Flexvite Recommends MadMini
Apparently, MadMini is 'simple and beautiful email marketing.' Email is a very powerful channel and is often overlooked in this era of SEO and social media. MadMini helps you build your email list and market to it.

We've also heard a bunch of great things about MailChimp, which we would personally recommend.

Source: Flexvite blog

Google's Cloud Is Free At First

Google's Cloud Is Free At First
Flexvite recommends Google's App Engine, its cloud hosting service, because it's free until your app gets traction. Amazon Web Services seems to be the choice of most startups though.

Source: Flexvite blog Lets You Make Surveys To Get Customer Feedback Lets You Make Surveys To Get Customer Feedback
Customer surveys, either before or after your app is live, are very important. lets you make these easily. Another popular alternative is Wufoo.

Source: Flexvite blog Lets You Poll Random People About Your App Lets You Poll Random People About Your App
We love this one. Asking 500 random people about your app (or logo, or whatever) might sound like a waste of time but we think it should yield interesting results, at least. does this quickly and easily.

Source: Flexvite blog

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