Wednesday, June 29, 2011
25 Useful HTML5 Tutorials
Saturday, June 25, 2011
20+ Mobile Apps Development Frameworks To Kick-Start Your Project
Frameworks and libraries help you, the web developer, focus on creating rather than figuring stuff out. Rather than reinventing the wheel, you can use a framework or library to delegate brunt, non-creative and repetitive work, freeing up your time and energy to create the actual mobile app,website or application.
These frameworks can help you create the right applications for example, whether we are talking about desktop applications or mobile apps. Web development is supposed to be fast and creative, and most of your time has to be taken by the actual creation and not the figuring out how to do low level technical stuff. In this article, I will feature new frameworks that will help you in order to develop desktop and mobile applications that if picked wisely may significantly speed up and make your development more effective.
1. 960 Grid on jQuery-Mobile
jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile
. It merge the flexibility of, and the ease of jquery mobile. It aims to bring more flexibility to jquery-mobile layout
and thus make iteasier to use on tablets
2. Amplify
Amplify is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API. Amplify’s goal is to simplify all forms of data handling by providing a unified API for various data sources. Amplify’s store component handles persistent client-side storage, using standards like localStorage and sessionStorage, but falling back on non-standard implementations for older browsers. Amplify’s request adds some additional features to jQuery’s ajax method while abstracting away the underlying data source.
3. DHTMLX Touch – HTML5 JavaScript Framework for Mobile
DHTMLX Touch is an HTML5-based JavaScript library for building mobile web applications. It’s not just a set of UI widgets, but a complete framework that allows you to create eye-catching, cross-platform web applications for mobile and touch-screen devices.
The framework is compatible with the major web browsers for mobile platforms. Applications built with DHTMLX Touch will run smoothly on iPad, iPhone, Android-based smartphones, and other popular devices.
4. DHTMLX Touch Visual Designer
an easy and intuitive way to build web interfaces for your mobile apps. All you have to do is drag-and-drop the needed components into the Visual Designer and then set up their properties.
5. iX Framework
iX Framework is a javascript GUI / Javascript Widget consist of comprehensive components, such as : Grid, Chart, Tree, Window, Panel, Field, Validation, Combo and more.iX Framework is a comprehensive, powerful and affordable professional web framework that remove the boundary between web and desktop application.
6. Behat
Behat is a BDD framework for PHP which has been inspired by Ruby’s Cucumber project.
Unlike any other php testing framework that tests applications inside out. Behat is testing applications outside in. It means, that Behat works only with your application’s input/output.
7. MobDis
It enables users to create rich media mobile web apps and advertisements without needing to code.
8. Wijmo
Wijmo, a mixture of JavaScript, CSS3, SVG, and HTML5, is a complete kit of over 30 UI Widgets. It is an extension to jQuery UI with every widget built to its standards and framework. Each widget is ThemeRoller-ready.
9. Flurid
Flurid is a fluid width grid system optimized for flexibility (fluidity) and is the only fluid grid systems to work in Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7 (and 5, with the exception of the push/pull classes) without hiding pixels in margins.
It comes with a companion jQuery plugin to help make developing with the framework easier. Along with some additional features like equal height columns, the jQuery plugin can also automatically append alternating "odd" and "even" classes to rows and columns and apply the "last" class where needed to fix things for Internet Explorer 7 and below without the need to include these things directly in the HTML.
10. The-M-Project
write cross platform mobile apps.
11. Treesaver.js
Treesaver is a JavaScript framework for creating magazine-style layouts that dynamically adapt to a wide variety of browsers and devices. With this framework designers use standards-compliant HTML and CSS for both content and design with no JavaScript programming is required.
12. Gury
Gury is a JavaScript library designed to help in the creation of HTML5 and Canvas applications. You can create a canvas tag, resize and style it, add renderable objects, animate those objects, and place it anywhere on the page in a single chained expression.
13. MooModel
MooModel is a javascript framework built on top of mootools, to simplify the use of objects and classes in javascript. It comes with an elegant syntax and built in support for object oriented features. Additionally it provides observable attributes, ActiveModel like validations and a REST persistence adapter.
MooModel makes use of the powerful object oriented features provided by mootools. With the latest introduction of server side mootools, it is possible to use same javascript on your browser and server. The current version of MooModel (0.0.1) is not CommonJS compliant and does not support server side mootools either. However, I am working to release a server edition soon. Follow this article to know more about using mootools as server side javascript.
14. jFormer
jFormer is a form framework written on top of jQuery that allows you to quickly generate beautiful, standards compliant forms. Leveraging the latest techniques in web design, jFormer helps you create web forms that:
- Validate client-side
- Validate server-side
- Process without changing pages (using AJAX)
15. Not Just A Grid
Not Just a Grid is a flexible and modular CSS framework that is designed to assist in the rapid prototyping and development of websites. It has been designed for the future with larger screen sizes and the use of CSS3 for progressive enhancement and richer user experiences.
Not Just a Grid includes separate stylesheets covering multi-column layouts, typography, forms, tables and user experience enhancement.
16. Galleria
Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework built on top of the jQuery library. The aim is to simplify the process of creating professional image galleries for the web and mobile devices.
17. Zepto.js (beta) – Minimalist JavaScript Framework for Mobile
Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript framework for mobile WebKit browsers, with a jQuery-compatible chaining syntax. It will handle the most basic drudge and repetitive work so you can focus on getting the real stuff done.
18. Mobl
Mobl is an open-source HTML5-based language designed to speed up your building of mobile web applications. It has fantastic (Eclipse) IDE support (such as as-you-type error reporting, code completion and reference resolving) and has a rapid save and test cycle – No more lengthy compilations, the mobl IDE compiles your modules whenever you save, ready to be tested in the mobile browser.
19. LimeJS – Game Framework
LimeJS is a game framework that combines lots of different HTML5 technologies and allows you to build games for mobile and touch-screen devices, but can also be used within modern browsers as applications.
20. PUF: PHP Utility Framework
PUF is a PHP utility framework (that’s what PUF stands for). It’s a comprehensive collection of useful and popular PHP utility functions created to save time for developers that regularly use those functions when building web applications.
21. Initializr
Initializr, based on the HTML5 Boilerplate template, is an HTML5 templates generator that helps you get started with your HTML5 project. It does that by generating a clean customizable template with just what your project needs.
Author : Dustin Betonio
Dustin Betonio is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. His earlier career was devoted on customer service outside the information highway. Currently studying Law in the same University.
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Friday, June 24, 2011
20+ Html5 video Tutorials
HTML5 are opening new horizons for developers and designers. It has left Flash miles behind. It has revolutionized the way web designers used to design. HTML5 has all those capabilities of designing which were things of fantasy in past. HTML5 is being supported by all those websites who are working to increase their standards. The induction of features like rounded corners and multi columns have made HTML5 a lot better.
Therefore it is essential for every web designer to learn HTML5’s usage in order to get spotlight on there designed web page. It might seem a bit difficult in beginning but once you get started you will get through easily. And with the constant drop in Flash’s usage, I think every designer should learn HTML5…..for this today I have compiled a list of 30+ HTML5 Video tutorials. So what are you waiting for get tutored today!
1- Introduction to HTML5 video
long time ago, in a galaxy that feels a very long way away, multimedia on the Web was limited to tinkling MIDI tunes and animated GIFs. As bandwidth got faster and compression technologies improved, MP3 music supplanted MIDI and real video began to gain ground. All sorts of proprietary players battled it out — Real Player, Windows Media Player, etc. — until one emerged as the victor in 2005: Adobe Flash. This was largely because of the ubiquity of its plugin and the fact that it was the delivery mechanism of choice for YouTube; Flash has become the de-facto standard for delivering video on the web.
2- What is HTML5?
3- Html5 Open Video Tutorial
4- Degradable HTML5 audio and video
5- Paul Irish on HTML5 Boilerplate
6- An Overview of HTML5
7- HTML5 or Native for Mobile Development?
8- How to Make All Browsers Render HTML5 Mark-up Correctly
9- HTML5 Media Player
10- Learn About HTML5 and the Future of the Web
11- HTML5 Features you Should be Using Right Now
12- Blowing up HTML5
13- How to incorporate video with HTML5
14- Example of OVP for HTML5
15- How to Build an HTML5
This is a tutorial on building an HTML5 video player in Javascript. It’s meant to give you a basic understanding of the different options you have with the new video tag in HTML5, and the javascript needed to create some of the typical video controls you’d find in other players. It’s library agnostic, meaning you don’t need a library like jQuery to create it, however once you understand how everything works it can definitely be simplified/improved on. I’m always open for feedback if you have suggestions.
16- Awesome HTML5 Video Trick
17- Building a Custom HTML5
The HTML5 element is already supported by most modern browsers, and even IE has support announced for version 9. There are many advantages of having video embedded natively in the browser (covered in the article Introduction to HTML5 video by Bruce Lawson), so many developers are trying to use it as soon as possible.
17- Serving HTML5 Video Cross Browser
Is HTML5 video ready for prime time? I can’t give a definite answer to that question — but I can say that getting it to work cross browser, and that includes the iPad can be annoying.
18- HTML5 Video & Audio Tags Tutorial
19- HTML5 + CSS3 = Awesome
HTML5 is the next version of the web markup standard. New features include new tags, offline dbs, and geolation aware browsers. CSS3 is the next generation styling language. Together, they make will make the web a great experience.
20- HTML5 Video Tutorial
21- HTML5 video accessibility
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